Frequently Asked Questions

Check most frequently asked questions here, If you can not find the answer, we can help you. Reach out to our team through the contact us tab and they will answer any questions you might have!

General Questions


In our products the active whitening ingredient is PAP which is a clinicaly proven teeth whitener. Unlike traditional teeth whitening methods all of our teeth whitening products are peroxide free. This means nothing that can damage your tooth enamel and cause sensitive teeth. Ontop of this our products contains Potassium citrate which helps relive pre existing sensitivity issues.

Every order is shipped directly out of Sydney, Australia same or next business day which will then take 2-5 business days to arive in most standard metropolitan areas. Each order is provided with a shipping tracking code.


Our fomula does not contain any peroxides which is a common active whitening agent in many dental offices and at home whitening kits but is proven to break down enamel and cause sensitivity. Our products also have potassium citrate which helps to releive pre existing sensitivity issues.


Our products will not cause any damage to dental work such as veneers, crowns and fillings, although our product was developed to whiten natural enamel, Surface staining may be lifted from dental work although the origional shade of the dental work will not be changed. It is best to consult your dental professional if you have any concerns specific to you.


You do not have to brush your teeth right before using our products although we do recommend that you do so in order to remove excess buildup and acheive optimal whitening results.

Yes, When you order you will recieve email notifications to update you on tracking from sent out all the way till its with you.

PAP LED Teeth Whitening Kit

After each use remove plastic mouthpiece from the led device and rinse with water.


In each kit it comes with 6 pods with our PAP+ formula which is enough for 6-8 uses. We also sell refil pods for when you run out of pods to keep your smile nice and bright>

We reccomend storing pods maximum 2 years for best whitening results.

For best results we reccomend using first 6 pods daily when you first get your kit then top up and have 1-2 uses a week to maintain your white smile.

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